About me

My path has not been straightforward. I left school at 15 and undertook a commercial apprenticeship. I worked many years in different roles and it was ok, but it never really got me passionate. I never stopped looking around and trying different things.

It was only years later that I discovered my true passion: Human Resources (HR). I decided to change direction and develop my new passion. I went back to school and undertook a degree in Psychology and a Masters in Human Resources and Corporate Strategy. That gave me the foundation to develop a professional career in HR.

I now have many years of HR experience in different roles and companies and am currently working as a senior recruiter at an internationally renown, multicultural company.

In addition to this I am a freelancing careercoach and job application expert and am helping Internationals in Germany succeed in their job search.

  • 2022: Freelancing Mentor for international job seekers, supporting them in finding their true vocation and securing their dream job in Germany.
  • 2022: Started training as a (Career-)Coach
  • 2021: Promotion to Senior Recruiter
  • 2018: Found my dream job as a Recruiter
  • 2017: Master’s in HR & Corporate Strategy
  • 2016: Bachelor’s in Psychology
  • 2013: Existential job crisis and change in career
  • 2010: First encounters in the HR field, which has accompanied me ever since
  • Before 2010: My first life, in which I tried many things

In my role as a recruiter I often found that the applications from expats often are designed in a different way to what a recruiter/hiring manager in Germany would expect. Therefore expats can loose out on job opportunities, which is I thought was a real shame, as this is something that can easily be avoided and this is where I can help.

Having finally found my own vocation in HR and coaching, my ambition was to enable others to discover what their true vocation is, work out strategies and tools to follow that through and ultimately get the job, that really suits them.

I was born in Romania and came to Germany when I was 11 years old. I have lived in Cyprus for 3 years and also have an English husband. I love different cultures and due to my background can empathise with the challenges that expats have when it comes to living and working in a different country, with different traditions, different values and ways of doing things. Furthermore, in my work as a recruiter, I see many applications from non-natives which do not meet the German standards, or norms and as such they often loose out unnecessarily.
